Tuesday, 23 March 2010

When it's raining

When rain falls outside as it is doing now, I sometimes feel gloomy and don't really know how - I should feel refreshed and alive seeing rain, but I know it spells mud, underfoot, once again. Yet who am I to quarrel wet earth? Life is life, it could be much worse.

So I post this picture of a drier time, smiling, already, I'm in a sunnier clime!

Sliding Liberia

Hats off to the people involved in making this documentary - very moving and full of soul...

God went surfing with the devil

Trailer of a film that shows the transcendental power of surfing.

Joel Tudor

I like to watch this clip when I'm land-locked to remind me of the soul in surfing, enjoy!

Glass Love

A great clip from the classic 'Glass Love' by Andrew Kidman. The song is by Cat Power.

Monday, 22 March 2010


A new poem inspired by a casual gaze upwards!

"Wingless they soar, shape-shifters suspended in motion at the mercy of the wind - visible cogs in nature's mechanics.

Oft circurated are these wispy precipitates behind lens or with brush, evanescent moods framed in layered expression, skyscapes mirror landscapes respectively and vice versa.

Provoking deep thought, shielding hazy sun or opening their gates, releasing our sodden dreams, clouds refresh the soul heuristically"

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Fickle Filey flappings!

PART 1: Hobo Life and Heroin

The high wind growls, huffs and occasionally wisps, as it tries prising open the nearly closed jeep door. (Shuts door) Now, the window slightly open, I hear the tent, nestled between cliff, car and fence, ruffling, resonating the gales as a dog shakes after being in water. She stands her ground, tail-like guy ropes strongly pegged down, years of pitching experience pays dividends at times like these.

The site is a car park, found after much driving around in the dark of this winter's eve. I'd encountered muddy fields, dead ends, the boy racers in other car parks and deliberating the least likely location to draw attention and the most likely to fall into the 'adventurous' category, I'd found a great spot high up on the cliffs. And so it was, exposed to the elements in defiance of the norm, I could see eastwards, the town of Filey; it's lights shaping the curve of the bay below as it fended against the sea.

2hrs prior saw me at Cayton Bay. 'You should have ben here yesterday!' He He...

I know this to be true for this trip, as speaking to the surf shop and checking the swell, I knew I'd missed the best of the waves by staying the extra days in Ripon. Hey Ho, I was at my sister's at the time of the call and a quick jaunt over to the coast was inevitable, I'd just left it too late. (I contracted surfitis on that first wave nearly two years ago and firmly in its grip, a mere 100miles was a stones throw to catch some waves)

Arriving in Scarborough I instinctively drove to Cayton. Letting Benbo out of his portable house in the boot, we went to say hello to the sea, the third visit to this spot spelled millpond, that dreaded witch's tit!

Never mind, I'm involved in the process of surfing and that's food enough to fill this hunger. It's medicine for my condition.

More on this trip on my next blog...

Monday, 1 March 2010

A grom grows up!

The Taoist’s say ‘Be like water’

Outer Space

Written post surf, totally consumed with the glide...
Feb 2010
Perfect waves on the Welsh Coast