Gonna lay my head down soon to sleep tonight,
wake some dreams until morning light,
taste the air of an adventure real
put my trust in all things positive
in my daily quest to truly live
and make right choices all the while I feel...
this ocean love rise up like a tide,
pushing all things negative aside
there’s no longer room for them inside
when all I live is for the ride,
that marrys me towards the glide
this is now my life
I feel alive!
And when I wake into fresh days
I pray that nature clears my cup
lifts with spirits, raises me up
sets in motion, removes the haze
brings me closer to potential
washes me in love torrential
Bring on the rain, let sunlight shine,
the glass conditions
flat spells too
big and stormy
log or stick
for the love of surf
for me
for you
TR 25.4.10
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Sea Shame
Click here to watch rubbish clip!
BBC page documenting the amount of rubbish that is washed up on the beach!
BBC page documenting the amount of rubbish that is washed up on the beach!
Story of stuff!
Great clip about why simple, low impact living is best. Ironic that it should start with an advert about buying more stuff!
My take is that it isn't the 'stuff' 'out there' but the 'stuff' in our minds or our approach to 'stuff' that is the issue.
It's not an issue to own a wetsuit for instance, but surely true sustainability is about patching up our old wetsuits until they are hanging by a thread (buying second hand or e.g. Patagonia in the first place may help) therefore reducing initial impact, repairing, reusing and then recycling.
My take is that it isn't the 'stuff' 'out there' but the 'stuff' in our minds or our approach to 'stuff' that is the issue.
It's not an issue to own a wetsuit for instance, but surely true sustainability is about patching up our old wetsuits until they are hanging by a thread (buying second hand or e.g. Patagonia in the first place may help) therefore reducing initial impact, repairing, reusing and then recycling.
Friday, 23 April 2010
AJ boules and banter!
If two people can combine, and remain two people, then a wonder has occurred, for it is not the joining but the understanding of togetherness in individuality that cements us as one.
I reside in many places and one of these, close to my heart is right here. The magical fires we have shared, the boules games we have played. Chats and northern humour have kept dreams alive and sanity at bay.
The simplicity behind the esoteric is an invisible banner through which Alan and Jane flag, and both shed a gloriously bright light that cast many shadows, illuminating many paths…
No introduction is required, no goodbye needs to be voiced, we all are and we always will be.
Smiling and at peace, really.
For Alan and Jane and the winged friends that share this lovely space!
BLW 23.4.10
I reside in many places and one of these, close to my heart is right here. The magical fires we have shared, the boules games we have played. Chats and northern humour have kept dreams alive and sanity at bay.
The simplicity behind the esoteric is an invisible banner through which Alan and Jane flag, and both shed a gloriously bright light that cast many shadows, illuminating many paths…
No introduction is required, no goodbye needs to be voiced, we all are and we always will be.
Smiling and at peace, really.
For Alan and Jane and the winged friends that share this lovely space!
BLW 23.4.10
Been getting some good feedback from folks on this poem I wrote over 10yrs ago!
It's about cash!
Money, the paper god - how much is it worth ?
The Earth is elliptical; money makes the world go round...
Money equals food and clothes, something we depend on to live.
It should just be there to give.
Our dear sources install the pleasures of having it, the griefs of not.
How much money is a lot ?
It's about cash!
Money, the paper god - how much is it worth ?
The Earth is elliptical; money makes the world go round...
Money equals food and clothes, something we depend on to live.
It should just be there to give.
Our dear sources install the pleasures of having it, the griefs of not.
How much money is a lot ?
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
What can be better, surfing and peace!
What can be better, surfing and peace!
Surfing 4 Peace was founded in the Summer of 2007 by legendary surf ambassador Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz, Arthur Rashkovan, an Israeli surfer and surf-industry professional, Dorian’s son David Paskowitz and 8-time world surfing champion Kelly Slater.
In order to implement projects and initiatives, Surfing 4 Peace relies on personal contributions of time and expertise from concerned members of the local and international surfing community, as well as its official project partners, Explore Corps and Gaza Surf Relief.
Be sure to check out S4P on:
Camps Breakerz
Look out for djalaia special breakdance mix for these guys...coming soon - if they like it!!!
Look out for djalaia special breakdance mix for these guys...coming soon - if they like it!!!
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Acorns to Oak
Some time ago, not long after that serendipitous first wave where surfing plunged her watery roots into my very being and took a loving hold of me in her open palms, I rediscovered my hobo, shunning the serried lifestyle in adoption of a two-wheeled caravanserai.
Caravan life brought me closer to the land and now the little owl replaces sirens, it shows its hunt through calls, I witness sparrow hawks instead of a fashion parade, prey in claws, swooping low over the thick hedges that border nocturnal badgers under the fields.
My border collie Benbo met a badger during an evening walk, they went nose to nose, an investigative Inuit-style greeting, perhaps they wondered how they came to be wearing the same outfits - a magical moment allowed through silence and being able to walk out at night without fear and in the countryside!
Hoboism lends itself to less consumerism: water use is amplified in its scrutiny, how much propane gas (it has a lower freezing temperature, I found out the hard way) it takes to keep me warm in the dead grip of Winter is directly related to cost of the fuel bottles and the cost to collect them in the first place. The effort it takes to walk to the water point to refill the ‘aquaroll’ is real, I don’t just turn a tap to a never ending water supply. If I want water, I have to get it myself, this simple act still makes me ponder the shear scale of global consumption and reminds me how easy it is, to forget to remember that the hydrological cycle travels many journeys prior to being imbibed.
Recycling in the caravan morphs to a focus on initial reduction on producing waste (through the purchase of items with non-essential packaging) in the first place. My consumer choices can create a small mountain of utter waste after just one day, perhaps this draws me to grow my own food or at least buy local and bag free.
I noticed how much crap I had too, I mean stuff I just do not need to lead a happy life. I have not once missed the TV, and read a lot more now too…this means I consume less and learn more.
It is ludicrous that here in the UK, we use drinking water to flush our toilets!!! It really beggers belief.
The eco bog (toilet), as used in many parts of the world, is a great idea, it reduces water use and there is zero smell, plus the compost heap is healthier for it…if you ask me – that’s the shit we need!
Especially so, in todays age of Goliath monocultured, gargantuan globalised greed and crazy collective consumerism, is the ever important requirement for nurturing a community focused social conscience.
This obvious ethical finger points at me first, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, as Ghandi so peacefully observes.
As a human being and planetary resource consumer, each and every day the ethical finger points at me and like the ‘bang’ sign from a cartoon gun, it gives me a wonderful thing: CHOICE
And with it, the CHANCE to make the right choice, not because it’s fashionable or makes me feel better (which it does), but because I want to surf clean oceans and echo David Brower’s words: “We do not inherit the earth from our forefathers, we borrow it from our children”, most of all though, because I have enough knowledge and freedom to have the chance to make a positive difference.
If you feel like making a positive difference (because it does however small the act) then have a ponder at these pages.
From green (i.e. sensible) and clean (i.e. sustainable) tips and tricks, like making a wind turbine from hamster farts or running a car on dog hairs and monkey sweat to links on ethical products, such as Howies, Patagonia and Finisterre, or top quality links to information treasure troves like the Beach Clean Network, Surfers Against Sewage, or other equally worthwhile golden nuggets of self-respecting, planet loving, cost saving information that’s sure to score a goal with your soul and put more pride in your glide!
I was born an acorn and I becoming my oak.
Caravan life brought me closer to the land and now the little owl replaces sirens, it shows its hunt through calls, I witness sparrow hawks instead of a fashion parade, prey in claws, swooping low over the thick hedges that border nocturnal badgers under the fields.
My border collie Benbo met a badger during an evening walk, they went nose to nose, an investigative Inuit-style greeting, perhaps they wondered how they came to be wearing the same outfits - a magical moment allowed through silence and being able to walk out at night without fear and in the countryside!
Hoboism lends itself to less consumerism: water use is amplified in its scrutiny, how much propane gas (it has a lower freezing temperature, I found out the hard way) it takes to keep me warm in the dead grip of Winter is directly related to cost of the fuel bottles and the cost to collect them in the first place. The effort it takes to walk to the water point to refill the ‘aquaroll’ is real, I don’t just turn a tap to a never ending water supply. If I want water, I have to get it myself, this simple act still makes me ponder the shear scale of global consumption and reminds me how easy it is, to forget to remember that the hydrological cycle travels many journeys prior to being imbibed.
Recycling in the caravan morphs to a focus on initial reduction on producing waste (through the purchase of items with non-essential packaging) in the first place. My consumer choices can create a small mountain of utter waste after just one day, perhaps this draws me to grow my own food or at least buy local and bag free.
I noticed how much crap I had too, I mean stuff I just do not need to lead a happy life. I have not once missed the TV, and read a lot more now too…this means I consume less and learn more.
It is ludicrous that here in the UK, we use drinking water to flush our toilets!!! It really beggers belief.
The eco bog (toilet), as used in many parts of the world, is a great idea, it reduces water use and there is zero smell, plus the compost heap is healthier for it…if you ask me – that’s the shit we need!
Especially so, in todays age of Goliath monocultured, gargantuan globalised greed and crazy collective consumerism, is the ever important requirement for nurturing a community focused social conscience.
This obvious ethical finger points at me first, “Be the change you want to see in the world”, as Ghandi so peacefully observes.
As a human being and planetary resource consumer, each and every day the ethical finger points at me and like the ‘bang’ sign from a cartoon gun, it gives me a wonderful thing: CHOICE
And with it, the CHANCE to make the right choice, not because it’s fashionable or makes me feel better (which it does), but because I want to surf clean oceans and echo David Brower’s words: “We do not inherit the earth from our forefathers, we borrow it from our children”, most of all though, because I have enough knowledge and freedom to have the chance to make a positive difference.
If you feel like making a positive difference (because it does however small the act) then have a ponder at these pages.
From green (i.e. sensible) and clean (i.e. sustainable) tips and tricks, like making a wind turbine from hamster farts or running a car on dog hairs and monkey sweat to links on ethical products, such as Howies, Patagonia and Finisterre, or top quality links to information treasure troves like the Beach Clean Network, Surfers Against Sewage, or other equally worthwhile golden nuggets of self-respecting, planet loving, cost saving information that’s sure to score a goal with your soul and put more pride in your glide!
I was born an acorn and I becoming my oak.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Underwater love
Check out this link for some stunning and beautiful ocean immersion photography!
“The ocean is a wealth of knowledge that teaches us how to live if we listen. My hope is to inspire others with the simple beauty of what the ocean has to share. Mahalo Nui” - Dana Richardson
Here's a few teasers...
Dolphins: (Nai’a)
"Diviner than the dolphin is nothing yet created; for indeed they were aforetime men and lived in cities along with mortals, but by the devising of Dionysos they exchanged the land for the sea and put on the form of fishes." -Oppian (Third Century Greek poet)
“The ocean is a wealth of knowledge that teaches us how to live if we listen. My hope is to inspire others with the simple beauty of what the ocean has to share. Mahalo Nui” - Dana Richardson
Here's a few teasers...
Dolphins: (Nai’a)
"Diviner than the dolphin is nothing yet created; for indeed they were aforetime men and lived in cities along with mortals, but by the devising of Dionysos they exchanged the land for the sea and put on the form of fishes." -Oppian (Third Century Greek poet)

Thursday, 15 April 2010
Sixtree something....a tribute to hoboland.
There are two fir trees guarding the entrance, efficient doormen with their green tuxedos, tall and proud they stand, swaying in response to any wind that conjours their movement. They are like twins, only feet apart, and over the course of twelve months have moved skyward fast, sapping water as firs do, to quench their thirst and fuel such growth.
Many other trees are visible from my vantage but only six line the hawthorn / holly hedge that border the field. The other hedge skirts a well trodden canal footpath which after 200m meets the fence marking equine territory.
Walter, one of the oak trees is situated to the left of the firs, he stands majestic, mighty limbs supporting a myriad of life, from the acrobatic squirrels performing daily to a colourful range of birdlife that flutter amongst the branches waiting their seat at the (bird) table, which almost all year round is as busy, lively and cultured as one may imagine an upmarket contemporary cafe in Salzburg to be, old friends meeting new friends, sipping coffee in the fresh morning air, vibrant chatter as others come and go about their business.
To the right of the firs the other oak stands, Arthur is strong, still fending creeping vines that would strangle the very life from him given a chance. Arthur however is a mighty oak, a symbol of wisdom accentuated by the little owl that frequents it. A sparrow hawk hunts from its crown, a mirror of the powerful legacy that this traditional and familiar tree represents as found right across the length and breadth of the British countyside.
When I first saw these oaks, in the cold throw of Winter, the oaks were infact visibly strangled, one could see evergreen on deciduous, breath restricted by ivy entwining its parasitic glue-like clutches to the branches in a bid to blanket the life and claim Darwinian victory, killing one life to make way for another.
In the following summertime the combined foliage blocked sunlight, too many leaves competing, both Walter and Arthur overwhelmed and almost consumed, near gasping, they were in need of ressucitation.
The simple act of cutting the vines at their base has, almost eight months later, paid dividends. Although more is required on Arthur, Walter is now flourishing and simply more alive.
Arthur too, but just a month in between the original vine removal has set Arthur back a year; it will be another four seasons until Arthur experiences the freedom of self growth that Walter now has, that is to be rid of the vines thus providing more life to burrowers, diggers, hoppers, scrapers, scamperers and all the creatures great and small that call the oak their home.
That makes four trees in total. The remaining two are situated at each corner of the field, to the very left and the extreme right of the hedge. On the left, next to Walter is another oak, with no name and almost wasted into submission as a wrestler would overwhelm an opponent, the ivy has won this contest and provides balance as nature does.
To make the sixth is arguably not a tree. The ‘father of all herbs’ as is sometimes known, marks the entrance to the towpath, the Elder survives, just. Complete with ‘Jews Ear’ so called as belief historically states that this is the tree that Judas Escariot hung himself from!
To the medicinal practicioners, the elder is of great importance, not a hedging tree for its gapping ability but nonetheless an important addition and to some symbolic of history and healing, both the oak and the elder steeped in mythology and magic!
Nature provides, the six trees reflect their own tales through the seasons, the life they support, the heat they give when their droppped wood is transformed in a winter’s fire. The prescence they emit by just being, nature in all it’s facets brought to recognition by proximity and time.
Spring 2010
There are two fir trees guarding the entrance, efficient doormen with their green tuxedos, tall and proud they stand, swaying in response to any wind that conjours their movement. They are like twins, only feet apart, and over the course of twelve months have moved skyward fast, sapping water as firs do, to quench their thirst and fuel such growth.
Many other trees are visible from my vantage but only six line the hawthorn / holly hedge that border the field. The other hedge skirts a well trodden canal footpath which after 200m meets the fence marking equine territory.
Walter, one of the oak trees is situated to the left of the firs, he stands majestic, mighty limbs supporting a myriad of life, from the acrobatic squirrels performing daily to a colourful range of birdlife that flutter amongst the branches waiting their seat at the (bird) table, which almost all year round is as busy, lively and cultured as one may imagine an upmarket contemporary cafe in Salzburg to be, old friends meeting new friends, sipping coffee in the fresh morning air, vibrant chatter as others come and go about their business.
To the right of the firs the other oak stands, Arthur is strong, still fending creeping vines that would strangle the very life from him given a chance. Arthur however is a mighty oak, a symbol of wisdom accentuated by the little owl that frequents it. A sparrow hawk hunts from its crown, a mirror of the powerful legacy that this traditional and familiar tree represents as found right across the length and breadth of the British countyside.
When I first saw these oaks, in the cold throw of Winter, the oaks were infact visibly strangled, one could see evergreen on deciduous, breath restricted by ivy entwining its parasitic glue-like clutches to the branches in a bid to blanket the life and claim Darwinian victory, killing one life to make way for another.
In the following summertime the combined foliage blocked sunlight, too many leaves competing, both Walter and Arthur overwhelmed and almost consumed, near gasping, they were in need of ressucitation.
The simple act of cutting the vines at their base has, almost eight months later, paid dividends. Although more is required on Arthur, Walter is now flourishing and simply more alive.
Arthur too, but just a month in between the original vine removal has set Arthur back a year; it will be another four seasons until Arthur experiences the freedom of self growth that Walter now has, that is to be rid of the vines thus providing more life to burrowers, diggers, hoppers, scrapers, scamperers and all the creatures great and small that call the oak their home.
That makes four trees in total. The remaining two are situated at each corner of the field, to the very left and the extreme right of the hedge. On the left, next to Walter is another oak, with no name and almost wasted into submission as a wrestler would overwhelm an opponent, the ivy has won this contest and provides balance as nature does.
To make the sixth is arguably not a tree. The ‘father of all herbs’ as is sometimes known, marks the entrance to the towpath, the Elder survives, just. Complete with ‘Jews Ear’ so called as belief historically states that this is the tree that Judas Escariot hung himself from!
To the medicinal practicioners, the elder is of great importance, not a hedging tree for its gapping ability but nonetheless an important addition and to some symbolic of history and healing, both the oak and the elder steeped in mythology and magic!
Nature provides, the six trees reflect their own tales through the seasons, the life they support, the heat they give when their droppped wood is transformed in a winter’s fire. The prescence they emit by just being, nature in all it’s facets brought to recognition by proximity and time.
Spring 2010
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
coming soon!
Be.Like.Water Media presents djalaia a new concept in music provision for surf events, beach cleans and high quality gatherings!
Coming soon................
Coming soon................
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